Be Inspiring

Support us

You can help us bring life-changing experiences and support young people to reach their full potential through the outdoors.

We'd love to have your support

Whilst ILF is very generously supported by Inspiring Learning and the other founding organisations, we have nearly 13 million children in the UK all of whom are facing a barrage of challenges, some of which we have no experience of, such as the impact of AI, social media and a lack of opportunity to enjoy our natural environment.  We can’t help large numbers of young people alone, we need your help.  The more of us that join up to solve the issues our children face, the more we can do.  This help can be as simple as making a donation to our Just Giving campaign, or perhaps your company, organisation or trust would like to sponsor a specific part of our work?  In which case, please complete this form to arrange a call back from a member of our team at a time that suits you.

Inspiring Learning Foundation is dedicated to ensuring that every young person has the opportunity to be the very best version of themselves and lead a life that leaves the world in a better place than they entered it.